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Lucky Craft

Lucky Craft PT100-250CRSD Pointer Chartreuse Shad

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 Item #DescriptionColorWeight
Lucky Craft PT100-268PAY Pointer Pearl AyuPT100-268PAYLucky Craft PT100-268PAY Pointer Pearl AyuPearl Ayu16.5g / 5/8oz4" (100mm)Suspending / 4-5ft
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Lucky Craft PT100-183PTHFSD Pointer Pearl Threadfin ShadPT100-183PTHFSDLucky Craft PT100-183PTHFSD Pointer Pearl Threadfin ShadPearl Threadfin Shad16.5g / 5/8oz4" (100mm)Suspending / 4-5ft
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Lucky Craft PT100-250CRSD Pointer Chartreuse ShadPT100-250CRSDLucky Craft PT100-250CRSD Pointer Chartreuse ShadChartreuse Shad16.5g / 5/8oz4" (100mm)Suspending / 4-5ft
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Lucky Craft PT100-270MSAS Pointer American ShadPT100-270MSASLucky Craft PT100-270MSAS Pointer American ShadAmerican Shad16.5g / 5/8oz4" (100mm)Suspending / 4-5ft
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Lucky Craft PT100-219PFAY Pointer Pearl Flake WhitePT100-219PFAYLucky Craft PT100-219PFAY Pointer Pearl Flake WhitePearl Flake White16.5g / 5/8oz4" (100mm)Suspending / 4-5ft
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The Pointer

The POINTER has been designed with a very low center of gravity through the use of special brass weights. The low center of balance causes the lure to wobble and vibrate whenever the retrieving motion is stopped. The POINTER will suspend 4 -5 feet deep and will emit an intriguing bass-calling vibration, while in the suspended state. A short twitch of the fishing rod will generate the "Walk the Dog" action under the water.


  • Suspend 4 -5 feet deep
  • Emits an intriguing bass-calling vibration when suspended